Today was a much more relaxed day. We woke up on our own time (midnight your time) and made our way to the train to go get JAMIE!
I couldn't get over this picture describing what not to do to the train door. I felt like it really needed to be brought to Erika's attention before she got herself in some trouble. It really looks like one of her best moves...
Welcome Jamie to Torre del Lago and your view from our room. By the way, Erika, Jamie and I are sharing a room with one regular bed and bunk beds.
Here is the welcoming committee with the welcome lunch. It was delicious but I think it must be said, "you can take the people out of the southwest, but you can't take the southwest out of the people!" This pasta was spicy! Not too often a meal literally brings tears to your eyes.
After filling our bellies with some delicious food, the three of us jumped on some bikes to explore the city. This was a little smoother than our train altercations yesterday, but I wouldn't say by much. First, the bike I grabbed hit a bump and my handlebars fell. I could tell that was going to be no good, so I grabbed the old rusty one. Then, we got going a little and Erika's bike chain fell off and rammed itself between the gears. Took all three of us three different attempts to get it finally working. Then, we finally made our way out of the neighborhood and halfway across the first main crossroads and.... Jamie's bike lost a pedal. Definitely, not an easy start to our adventures. But with the help of a group of Italian men sitting outside a bike shop, we were able to salvage the idea for the bike trip. Cinque euros later, a beautiful ride through the trees
and we were on the beach putting our feet in the Mediterranean Sea!
Well, I'm not 100% sure but it could be missing the Medi- part and only be the Terranean Sea. Either way, it was very cool to be there!
Even though this picture could have been taken anywhere, cause all you can see is our big mugs, we are using it as proof that all three of us were there.
The bike outing, some bread and cheeses, a little bit of vino and Jamie was out for the count. I have no clue how she lasted so long. She was quite the trooper!
Goodnight Torre del Lago, it really was a great bidet!
Not sure what we are going to do tomorrow!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Torre del Lago, Italy
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